Jemez Mountains Firewise Association
What is JMFA and Who Are We?
Our Mission: The purpose of the Jemez Mountains Firewise Association (JMFA, formerly Greater Eastern Jemez Wildland/Urban Interface Corporation or GEJWUIC) is to reduce fuel loads on private property in the Jemez Mountains. JMFA is a non-profit tax-exempt organization helping landowners implement the Firewise program along the upper Jemez corridor. Firewise is sponsored by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group whose members are responsible for wildland fire management in the United States. JMFA is here to assist individual property owners in creating defensible space around residences and in thinning over-stocked lots. The Focus Area lies north of Soda Dam, south of the Sandoval/Rio Arriba County line, west of the Sandoval/Los Alamos County Line and east of the Fish Hatchery along State Highway 126 and includes the communities of Areas 1, 2, and 3, La Cueva, Thompson Ridge, Seven Springs, Sierra Los Pinos and Cochiti Mesa (see map below). Any resident, business, or organization within the Focus Area may apply to join the Jemez Mountains Firewise Association, which has an ongoing commitment to finding better solutions for each of our diverse communities.
Community Wildfire Protection Plan Open meeting.
Please join us at our upcoming public events to share your concerns and help us plan for a safer, more resilient community. We will host a presentation followed by a Q&A and then an open house session.
Date: Wednesday November 20th
Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Jemez Mountain Baptist Church
Address: 6 Riverview Ct, Jemez Springs, New Mexico, 87025
Organizations contributing to or participating in the project implementation are:
Firewise Communities/USA
State of New Mexico, State Forestry Division