Ready, Set, Go!
Living in the woods carries an inherent risk, especially in the arid Southwest. New Mexico is in extreme drought conditions and devastating fires are now commonplace. It is important that every homeowner be aware of the steps needed to be safe during fire season.
Ready, Set, Go! is a compilation of information from federal and state sources. It covers the three stages of fire preparedness:
Introduction: Fire information about New Mexico including areas of greatest risk, description of the wildland-urban interface, and suggestions on how to decrease the risk to your home in case of wildfire.
Ready: A checklist for preparing your home and family in case of emergency.
Set: A checklist for preparations in case of fire.
Go: Advice on when to leave, where to go and planning for escape routes, and what to take.
The advice in the pamphlet covers both residences and farm/ranch properties. Read all the information in the pamphlet well in advance of needing it-- once you are told to evacuate, you need to be ready to leave quickly.
Please print the document out, read, and follow the instructions inside to keep your family safe during fire season.